October 31, 2014

In Frida's shadow

As a female Mexican artist, you can not help but be in Frida's shadow. She is the icon for Mexican artists. Almost every artist in Mexico will paint Frida. Its almost expected. I wanted to be a little different. So I painted myself, in likeness of her. I do have great respect and admiration for her. So this is my Frida version.


My beautiful grandmother died September 16…it was so unexpected. I can remember spending summers with her as a child. She was the rock of the family, so strong, yet loving and kind. She was the first woman to show me that life could be full of possibilities as long as I put my mind to it. She was rooted deep in our old traditions from table manners to making her own make up from flowers. As a child, staying with her in the summer, I rememeber her waking us up with fresh hot coffee, mostly milk and sugar, but she would milk the goats and make the coffee and bring to us in our beds. She will live in my heart forever.
I was mourning my Grandmother and my heart was aching. This painting came thru me from my grief and loss of an amazing woman in my life. It helped me release the pain of loosing her. "Rootless" oil on canvas 36x24". Sold to private collector.

Fall colors

We had what they call an Indian summer this year! It has been a beautiful colorful fall in Colorado! The gold is so vivid, and is breathtaking. The month of October was so inspiring to me from the colors. I was seeing it everywhere. Even in my Son's friends hair!
This is Soraya, my son's friend. She came over just the other day and her hair shine like the trees outside my window.

                                We like to hike to these trees in my backyard. Golden bliss!